Cafe Gusto is more than just a cafe, more than just two cafes as it is found in both Washington Street and Lapps Quay.
What makes it different is its attitude, easily seen in its tweets and Facebook pages. “We are the glass half full type of people.” I like that in these recessionary times.
The post Celtic Tiger era has led to a whole load of gloom but you won't see that at Gusto or its sister restaurant the Liberty Grill (also in Washington Street), both of which by the way serve top class food and drink.
I was strolling up there the other day and called into Gusto for a cup of their excellent coffee and who should I meet, for the first time, but Marianne, my twitter mate.
And what was she doing? Helping out a visitor to the city. Marianne and partner Denis do this as a matter of course.
Speaking of twitter – Tuesday is tweet day at Gusto in Lapps Quay where the twitterati meet up and enjoy free wi-fi, battery charging and the second cup of coffee among friends free. Not bad.
Denis recently said to me that we have a great product in the city and county, lots to see and do “but it can be hard to find them if you are plonked down in the middle of it”.
And that’s where the friendly attitude of Denis and Marianne and their staff come in. They go out of their way to make visitors welcome and Gusto has a rack of informative booklets available.
They also use the internet to help out and are always willing to plug events that liven up the local scene as you’ll have seen with their efforts on the Lee Swim and Paddy Games to mention just two.
Obviously Denis and Marianne are not the only two in town with this pro-active attitude. But we need more of them. After all, the more we pull together, the further we will go.
And the payoff? Well, have a look at this from a globe trekking LA foodwriter