Thursday, August 1, 2024

Taste of the Week. On the double. At last, a bit of colour in the garden

Taste of the Week

On the double

Once the sun comes out, you don't have that long to enjoy, so best to be prepared.

I took my own advice and bought a bottle of Kriek, a Belgian cherry-infused lambic beer, from Bradley's in North Main Street, a few weeks back. The weeks went by, no real sign of summer. 

But it turned up last

Sunday. And at last, I got a chance to pull the cap on the Chapeau beer (by De Troch), pairing it with a slice of Clafoutis baked by the Blog Chef with some of the delicious cherries that we bought recently at the Apple Farm in Cahir. Very happy with that pairing.

Earlier, as the temperature rose, I needed something cool. The answer, Vit Hit's apple and elderflower juice, was in the fridge and worked a treat.

So just in case the sunny days return, why not prepare. As our Roy says (did he, really?: Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail. I suspect he copied it from Benjamin Franklin, that is if the famous American ever said it!

Colours in a summer glass, abovc and top.

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