Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Scenic Walk at Camden, Crosshaven

 The Scenic Walk at Camden, Crosshaven

I was in Carrigaline recently with a few hours on my hands. I saw the 220 bus for Crosshaven and jumped on and it took me all the way to Camden. Because it was a Monday, I was thinking that the fort would be closed and so it was but I was enjoying the views over the harbour.

Then, right alongside the

attraction's entrance, I saw a sign that read Scenic Walk. So off I headed, up past the parking area and then past the sports pitches. Gradually, the ocean came into view with Roches Point away to the left.

No signs here, by the all-weather sports facility, so I kept going straight - into a cul de sac. Back-tracked and, back by the basketball court, I saw another, narrower path and followed that. 

The views just kept getting better and a large ship was passing Roches Point. The path down got quite narrow and I had to be careful of the loose "gravel". Lots of wild flowers, also the abundant flowers of the abundant Buddleia - the butterfly bush. 

Spent a few minutes down on the beach and came across these rocks with their amazing markings before heading back up, slowly and carefully. If you do take the walk, it would do no harm to take a walking stick with you - I should have had. There are a few seats along the way and they can be useful for a little rest!

Soon I was back at Camden and not long afterwards the bus arrived. I was hardly seated when the phone rang to say the garage had completed the service on the car. Excellent timing!

Buddleja - the butterfly bush

Markings on rocks at Graball Bay

A ship about to pass Roche's Point

Graball Bay (right)

Buddleja - the butterfly bush


When you reach this point, take a sharp
left, down the narrower path.

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