Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The fox is back in the chicken run! Our Beer of the Week is Kinnegar's Maddyroe American Red

 Beer of the Week

Kinnegar Maddyroe American Red, 5.8%, 440 ml can Carry Out St Luke’s

The fox is back in the chicken run!

Red is the colour of my true love’s hair (as Donovan sang away back when) and also the colour of

this American Red ale by Kinnegar. The Maddyroe head though is not red but off-white. The malt is first to show in the aromas, but overall this is, as they say themselves, “More hop forward than its maltier Irish cousin”.  

Malt still has quite an input on the palate where you’ll also find a resinous streak from the hops. It is a gorgeous mouthful, certainly more American red than Irish but none the worse for that. Quite a finish also and Very Highly Recommended and our Beer of the Week.

Kinnegar’s Inst screamed last February that the fox was back amongst the chickens when this ale was relaunched. Maddyroe first took a bow back in March 2014 when it poured at the Alltech Craft Brews & Food Festival in Dublin’s Convention Centre. “That seems like a lifetime ago. The festival is now extinct but happily, this lovely red beer is not.”

The brewery continues: “Last year Maddyroe re-emerged for the first time since our canning line was installed at K2 in 2018. The inimitable illustrator of Kinnegarland, Dermot Flynn, created one of his masterpieces to capture the quintessential character of the ‘madra rua’ or ‘red dog’, or Mr Fox, as he is better known to most chickens…”. And to red ale aficionados around the country, and beyond,

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