Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Taste of the Week. Wexford Strawberries

Taste of the Week

Wexford Strawberries

It's that time of year again when strawberries appear and the rush begins. You know they are in season when you see the roadside huts with the Wexford strawberry signs appear on roads many well outside the county.

I have been

stung a few times, including once at such a stall between Glounthaune and Carrigtwohill. A layer of poor quality over-the-top berries was concealed beneath a layer of shiny healthy-looking ones on top.

Now, I'm only inclined to buy near the source. And I couldn't get much closer than last weekend.

So coming out of Wexford, we spotted a seller. Didn't stop there. Safety first. But, with more notice, we did pull in at the next one and bought a couple of punnets from a delightful young man.

I got wary when I saw the size of them, huge, bigger than golf balls. But no need to worry. They were in top-notch condition, every single one of them, and a delight to dispatch.

In fact, we got three servings out of the two punnets, the best when we paired them with a bottle of the lovely (but strong at 8.00 ABV) Belgian Chouffe Cherry beer in the sunny back garden. Taste of the Week!

* Now that I think of it, I didn't see any strawberries on the menu in five or six restaurants and cafes visited. I wonder why?

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