Thursday, June 27, 2024

“Pillowy weisse is really nice........” Lineman Organised Fun Hopfenweisse is Beer of the Week

Lineman Organised Fun Hopfenweisse 5.6% ABV, 440 ml can Bradleys

“Pillowy weisse is really nice when we slap a lash of hops in there”.

Pillowy for sure and under that white head it has a mid-gold colour. Aromas of fruit, clove and banana are moderate. It is hoppy and full-bodied, with a

sweet input from the malt, and overall a smooth and refreshing beer. Quite a treat and a Very Highly Recommended Beer of the Week.

Hopfenweisse literally means “hop wheat”. Lineman’s advice is to serve the beer chilled. It is unpasteurised and unfiltered so may contain sediment, not that I noticed any.

Try pairing with this trio from Malay Kitchen in Cork and Kinsale: the spice-packed Rendang, their amazing Massaman curry paste and the tantalising Pad Thai sauce. Also try Indian and Thai curries. Dark chocolate with chilli if you are really adventurous.

* See the latest Beer of the Week index here

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