Thursday, September 10, 2020

Taste of the Week. Hederman's Smoked Mackerel

Taste of the Week

Hederman's Smoked Mackerel

Frittata with Hederman's Smoked Mackerel

You get some excellent examples of the Spanish Frittata in the local Cork restaurants. But sometimes, it can be a bit on the bland side.

Whole Smoked Mackerel by Hederman, also delicious

If you're cooking one at home, here's one surefire way to pump up the flavour factor. Use a couple or three of the delicious Smoked Mackerel fillets from Frank Hederman, available in his stall at the English Market and in various farmers markets (eg Midleton).

Hedderman mackerel fillets

The official Blog Chef recently did one and the smoked mackerel (
one fillet was plain, one chilli and one chive) worked a treat. We got our latest lot via Neighbourfood (six is the minimum order here but, don't worry, you'll get through them quickly). A superb Taste of the Week.

Check out NeighbourFood and check out Mr Hederman!

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