Taste of the Week
Pecorino Vincenzo
I love my sheep’s cheese, from the Cratloe Hills of County Clare to the heights of Ossau Irraty in the Pyrenees, not forgetting the superb Crozier Blue. Now I’ve got a new love all the way from the banks of the River Toon in County Cork.
I’ve had a few brief encounters with this Pecorino Vincenzo over the past few weeks and liked it. But the affair got serious when we met again at a stall in Mahon Point Farmers Market last week. This time, I got really stuck in to this amazing hard cheese, our Taste of the Week.
Pecorino is the general name for sheep’s cheese in Italy. But this beguiling Pecorino is made in Toons Bridge by Vincenzo to a family recipe from his native Marche region and is one of a brilliant bunch of cheeses, including Cacio Cavallo and Scamorza, coming from this little country crossroads not too far from Macroom. Vincenzo has a small herd of sheep nearby.
This is the official dairy description: Pecorino Vincenzo is made from raw milk and is a dry cheese suitable for the table and grating. It is sweet and has a little piccante when aged to its limit. It is best around 6 weeks, but this also depends on the size of the wheel.
All a bit mundane really for a cheese with such complex flavours. This is really classy (and priced accordingly).
These cheeses are generally suitable for grating and cooking and, according to the Retailers Guide to the Fine Cheeses of Europe, are particularly good for fondues, omelettes, sauces, soups and sprinkling over savour dishes. I’m finding it irresistible on its own though.
Toons Bridge
County Cork
Twitter: @ToonsBridge
Tel: 087 3457790 (opening hours only)
Cafe: Fri-Sat 12.30-4.00; Sun 12.30-6.00.
Shop: Fri-Sat 11.00-9.00; Sun 11.00-7.00
Hi Billy, this is Vincenzo himself! Thanks for the lovely review. This is just to say that probably you have tried the aged version of my pecorino, which is now over 6 months old and therefore has developed a more complex set of flavours. In spring and summer you'll be able to find again the younger version which is only aged for two to four weeks.
Thanks Vincenzo. Will keep an eye out for the younger version!
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