Friday, October 22, 2010


A bumper Weekend Catch, fresh from the Net.
Restaurant & Food Scene
via Twitter & Facebook
Control and click to follow the links and find out more.

libertygrill Liberty Grill New brunch / lunch specials for October

Cafe Gusto Remember this weekend is Cork Jazz Festival!!!!! Love to see you for a glass of wine and a chicchetti as you go from one bar to the next.

Nautilus restaurant Thinking of organising a Christmas party? Nautilus offers two menus, for parties of 6 and more, at €28.50 and €38.50 to suit your needs. You can create your party menu from the menus posted in the "notes" section. All you need to do is choose two dishes from each course and ring Leo to arrange a booking.
Nautilus restaurant is taking a holiday! We will be closed from next Friday (22nd) until Wednesday 3rd of November included

Bordbia Bord Bia In case u need some inspiration this coming bank holiday weekend!

The Marlogue Inn due to the success of our kids eat free offer we are extending it to 7 days a week. Also we start our kids colouring competition to day with weekly prizes.

Bealcheese Beal Organic Cheese It's all happening in Kerry ;) One of the many fantastic food events of the year. See you there....

Ballymaloe Ballymaloe House Delicious for the Autumnal days, Mulled Apple Juice at the 'Cafe at the end of the shop', Ballymaloe
Ballymaloe Ballymaloe House Sacha and Dave, Smith & Whelan Spanish Wines, Ballycotton; great selection of 'Large Format Bottles',

SAVEURMAG SAVEUR Even if you aren't planning for Thanksgiving yet these potato dishes are worth a try.

Liberty Grill We will be involved the Dine in Cork promotion in November

Food Safety Authority of Ireland Latest food alert: A batch of flour recalled due to several customers finding one or two flour moth caterpillars in the bag. Click here for more info on the alert:

Ballymaloe Ballymaloe House Darina Allen at Wisteria Restaurant , Cloyne, Meet Artisan producers taste their produce hear their story Thursday 28 October 2010 - 7:30pm

Little Buddha Cork NEW PRODUCTS: Manual Coffee Grinders now available in-store and online. Now you can have your fresh coffee in the morning. visit

No.5 Fenns Quay Restaurant Fenns Quay is looking foward to the next Dine in Cork happening from the 5th november to the 14th inclusive for more information or keep to date on the facebook page "dine in cork"

LimerickMilkMarket Don't forget our fantastic opening celebrations are taking place this Friday, free and open to all Open Day Celebrations Location: Limerick Milk Market Time: 11:00AM Friday, October 22nd

Ballymaloe Ballymaloe House Cork Free Choice Consumer Group, 28th Oct, 7.30pm, Crawford Art Gallery Café, All welcome. €6 including tea/coffee: The Potential of our Fine Foods,The Harvard Business School Report to Bord Bia. ‘Can we relate to it?’ Speaker, Una Fitzgibbon, Bord Bia

Wagamama Ireland mmm exclusive to wagamama special dessert....BANANA KATSU ..deep fried banana coated with mixed spices and panko served with ice cream and raspberry coulis... have you tried it yet??

Food Safety Authority of Ireland Latest food alert: Certain batches of Blackcurrant & Apple and Orange & Peach fruit drinks recalled, due to reports of off-flavours. Click here for more info on the alert:

SAVEURMAG SAVEUR We've come to appreciate turkey as an ingredient capable of incredible things...

Control and click to follow the links and find out more.
We search the net, via Twitter and Facebook, each Thursday evening and early Friday morning, for the latest from the Cork restaurant and bar scene. If you don't have either of the above, reach us at Deadline 9.00am Friday.

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