Friday, July 19, 2024

On the craft trail with Kinnegar, Hope and Killarney

On the craft trail with Kinnegar, Hope and Killarney

Kinnegar Wee Bunny Session IPA 4.0% ABV, 440 ml can Bradleys

Wee Bunny, up for a session, joins his older and bigger siblings in Kinnegar family

The Wee Bunny has a bright straw colour under his soft white head, with the bubbles rising through a medium haze. A punchy Citrus kick on the palate follows Citrus aromas, as the American hops show their character. Quite a pleasant surprise, that is

maintained right through to the satisfactory finish.

The Wee Bunny joins his older and bigger, and hazier, siblings in the Kinnegar IPA family and, being the youngest, has had to punch “well above his weight in flavour and character”. The label sings his praises and this easy-drinker is indeed a terrific little four-percenter for a session, especially now that summer’s here.

A very acceptable session beer indeed with an almost creamy texture. “He is not a NEIPA”, declares Kinnegar. “He’s Irish.”

Glad to have him in the family. Highly Recommended.

  • By the way, if you like your bunny, you’re not alone. According to England’s Blue Cross, rabbits are among that nation’s most popular pets,


Hope Session IPA, 4.3% ABV, 440 ml can O’Briens Wine

Juicy and Tropical from the Dublin brewery

The bright golden colour of this juicy tropical Session IPA from the Hope Brewery in Dublin catches the eye immediately. There’s a balance between malt sweetness and fruity hops in the aromas that continues onto the palate. They work well together, with the lasting flavour of orange and other citrus and the robust malt character in balance to a lip-smacking finish.

Hop on the Dart Son

There’s always a story with hope. Here, two bored Dublin lads one day hopped on a DART from Howth Junction to Dun Laoghaire, sneaked onto a ferry to the UK and then took a train to Heathrow Airport. In the attempt to fly back to Dublin without tickets or passports, they ended up in New York!   Some day! Scan the can for the full yarn!

Can’t say I recommended the story but beer is Highly Recommended!

Geek Bits:

Malts: Vienna Malt, Oatflakes, Acidulated

Hops: Citra, El Dorado, Azacca

Yeast: American Ale

Food pairing: Great with a cheeseboard or even a spice bag

ABV: 4.3%

Colour: 10 EBC

Bitterness: 20 EBC


Killarney Rutting Red Ale 4.5% ABV, 500 ml bottle at the brewery

The beer, based on the traditional Golding’s hops, has a ruby-hued colour, not too much by way of a head, and aromas of caramel and toffee. And that malty combo continues to the palate, pleasing, lively and refreshing. It is good with food, as most red ales are. 

Each autumn, during a ritual known as The Rut, Ireland’s last herd of native red deer clash antlers and bellowing roars echo through the majestic amphitheatre that is the Killarney National Park. One such spectacular duel, at the waters’ edge, was brilliantly captured by the David Attenborough series Wild Isles and shown on the BBC.

Red at the Sneem Hotel

The Killarney website says that “discerning beer drinkers will appreciate Rutting Red’s rugged flavour which values the intensity of our wild stags.” I can understand the writer’s enthusiasm but rugged is not a word I’d associate with this pretty fine and well-made beer. I’d be thinking more of the friendly red setter (supple, restrained and eager to please) like the dog that greets guests in Kerry’s Sneem Hotel.

Highly Recommended.

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